The Cafematic Store
BONTEA - Hong Kong Style Blended Black Tea (100% PURE CEYLON TEA)
BONTEA - Hong Kong Style Blended Black Tea (100% PURE CEYLON TEA)
BONTEA - 港式拼配紅茶(100%錫蘭紅茶)
BONTEA Hong Kong Style Blended Black Tea is made with the finest combination of 100% Pure Ceylon Tea. We blended the Tea Dust, Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning (BOPF) and Broken Orange Pekoe (BOP). This tea is planted in the high-altitude mountain ranges of Sri Lanka. It possesses a delicate fragrance and delightful flavor, making it the ideal ingredient for brewing a cup of authentic Hong Kong Style Milk tea.
BONTEA港式拼配紅茶選用了100%頂級的純天然錫蘭紅茶。黃金比例由幼茶(Tea Dust)、中粗茶(BOPF)及粗茶(BOP)完美調配而成。生長於斯里蘭卡高海拔山脈的頂級紅茶芳香四溢,口感細膩,非常適合製作一杯香濃滑順的正宗港式奶茶。
Package Size: 1 pack (5lb)
包裝份量: 1包 (5磅)