Segafredo Zanetti
Segafredo Zanetti - Brasile (Single Origin) Gound Coffee (Expired Date: 1/7/2025)
Segafredo Zanetti - Brasile (Single Origin) Gound Coffee (250g)
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Segafredo Zanetti - Brasile (Single Origin) Gound Coffee (Expired Date: 1/7/2025)
Segafredo Zanetti - 巴西 (單品) 咖啡粉 (到期日: 1/7/2025)
Soft and Delicate. Hints of honey and a delicate roundedness. In the heart of minas gerais, the largest single unit plantation in the world, nossa senhora da guia, from the Massimo Zanetti Beverage group, founded a coffee with superior balance and softness, fragrant and delicate flavour, that hints at nuances of honey.
Aroma: Honey
口感幼滑細膩,帶有絲絲的蜂蜜味道。 選材自巴西米納斯吉拉斯州,是世界上最大的咖啡豆種植地,也是Massimo Zanetti飲品集團在當地的自家種植場,精心培育出圓潤細緻的高級咖啡豆。香氣非凡,帶有清幽的蜂蜜香味。
香氣: 蜜糖