BonNitro - Cold Brew Coffee Dispenser
(Not sell to anyone under age 18 嚴禁未成年人士購買)

BonNitro cold brew coffee marker creates a sweet and refreshing taste to your coffee by infusing nitrogen gas (N2/N2O). Allowing you to enjoy cold coffee with a thick and foamy texture like beer.
BonNitro氮氣冷萃咖啡機讓你在家中也能做出美味的氮氣飲品。將氮氣 (N2/N2O) 注入冷萃咖啡,使其味道生成天然的甜味及清爽感覺,氮氣同時讓咖啡口感變得綿密細滑,像啤酒一般帶有一層厚厚的泡沫。
Both Mini Keg and coffee spear were manufactured by food grade stainless steel 304, durable and safe. The coffee will remain fresh for a week by storing it in the fridge. It can withstand max. 120psi pressure, with a built-in safety valve to prevent gas overload.
飲料桶及龍頭都以食品級的304不鏽鋼製造,安全耐用。儲存於冰箱的氮氣咖啡可保鮮一星期。咖啡桶能承受120psi 氣壓,並設置安全氣閥,當氣體過多時會自動排出,確保安全。
It’s time to brew your ice drinks at home! It could be applied to other beverages like tea, coffee and juice.

BonNitro Kit Includes 套裝包括 :
- 64oz Mini Keg with cap 2L迷你飲料桶連桶蓋
(SKU#: 11001 or 11002) - Nitro cold brew coffee spear 氮氣咖啡矛
(SKU#: 24001) - Stainless steel nitro tap with Stout Spout 不鏽鋼龍頭及把手
(SKU#: 52002) - Shell氮氣夾
- Silicone coffee hose矽膠喉管
Included a box of itis N2O Chargers (10pcs)
產品包含itis N2O氮氣小鋼瓶1盒 (10支)

Instructions 使用說明 :
Do Not Over Fill Cold Coffee into Keg: For 2L keg: Max 1.5L cold coffee.
請勿過度注滿飲料桶 : 2升飲料桶最多可注入5升飲料,必需預留空間讓氮氣注入 - Put the nitrogen cartridge into the shell and rotate it, you will hear ‘whistle’ sound. Rotate it until the sound stops.
將氮氣彈放入氮氣夾內,將氮氣夾扭入部件時會聽到入氣的聲音,繼續扭入直至注氣聲音停止即可。 - One 8 gram cartridge can tap 1.5L coffee.
1桶5L的飲料只需注入1粒8g 氮氣彈,注入後上下搖晃5下,使氮氣跟飲料全完融合。(建議融合後放入冰箱一個小時再飲用,效果更佳。) - When finish the last drop of cold brew coffee, turn on the faucet to completely remove the nitrogen gas before unscrewing the spear system.
Clean and Care Instructions 清洗及保養說明:
- Flush the keg with hot water and repeat 3 times.
用熱水沖洗飲料桶,重複3次。 - Rinse the hose with hot water.
用熱水清洗喉管。 - Fill in hot water and 1 tablespoon baking soda into the keg. Shake well and leave it for 10 minutes.
再將熱水及1湯匙蘇打粉放入飲料桶,搖晃後放置10分鐘。 - Connect and turn on the faucet to clean the whole tapping system.
接駁及打開龍頭清洗整個出水系統。 - Use the cleaning brush to clean the coffee keg and flush with water.