Boncafé Drip Bag Coffee (MOCHA JAVA) (5pcs)
Boncafé Drip Bag Coffee (MOCHA JAVA) (5pcs)
Boncafé Drip Bag Coffee (MOCHA JAVA) (5pcs)
Boncafé Drip Bag Coffee (MOCHA JAVA) (5pcs)

Boncafé Drip Bag Coffee (MOCHA JAVA) (5pcs)

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Boncafé Drip Bag Coffee (MOCHA JAVA)

Boncafé 掛耳包咖啡 (摩卡爪哇)


Mocha Java is said to be the world's oldest coffee blend, combining two of the best premium coffee beans with complimentary tasting characteristics is a natural fit, creating a complex yet well-balanced coffee blend . Mocha Java mix has a strong berry and citrus flavors alongside herbal notes. Needless to say, Mocha Java is a unique taste experience.



摩卡爪哇據說是世界上最古老的咖啡拼配,將兩種最好的優質咖啡豆品嚐特性結合在一起,自然而然地創造出一種複雜而均衡的拼配咖啡。摩卡爪哇混合具有濃郁的漿果和柑橘味以及草本味, 令Mocha Java 成為一種獨特的味覺體驗。


Simply pour hot water into the filter and allow the coffee to steep and drip into the cup. Repeat the hand pour two to three times and adjust the amount of water to taste, for a freshly brewed, aromatic cup of Boncafé coffee.


只需將熱水倒入過濾器中,讓咖啡浸泡並滴入杯中。重複手倒兩到三遍,並根據口味調整水量,以獲得一杯新鮮沖泡的 Boncafé 咖啡。


Each Box contains 5 bags of drip coffee.

每個盒子包含 5 袋滴漏咖啡。
