Boncafé Drip Bag Coffee (ACEH GAYO) (5pcs)
Boncafé Drip Bag Coffee (ACEH GAYO) (5pcs)
Boncafé Drip Bag Coffee (ACEH GAYO) (5pcs)
Boncafé Drip Bag Coffee (ACEH GAYO) (5pcs)

Boncafé Drip Bag Coffee (ACEH GAYO) (5pcs)

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Boncafé Drip Bag Coffee (ACEH GAYO)

Boncafé 掛耳包咖啡 (亞齊迦佑)



From the fertile soils and high altitudes of Gayo Mountain, Aceh. This distinctive coffee possesses a strong aroma, medium body and a delicate chocolate like after-taste Aceh Gayo is a very well balance cup of ripe cherry sweetness meet caramel chocolate flavor with hints of spice, mouthfeel body, complex acidity, a true coffee experience.

來自亞齊迦佑山的肥沃土壤和高海拔地區。這款獨特的咖啡具有濃郁的香氣,中等的稠度和細膩的巧克力般的餘味。Aceh Gayo 是一款非常平衡的咖啡,成熟的櫻桃甜味與焦糖巧克力味以及淡淡的香料味,口感醇厚,複雜的酸度,為用家提供真正的咖啡體驗


Simply pour hot water into the filter and allow the coffee to steep and drip into the cup. Repeat the hand pour two to three times and adjust the amount of water to taste, for a freshly brewed, aromatic cup of Boncafé coffee.

只需將熱水倒入過濾器中,讓咖啡浸泡並滴入杯中。重複手倒兩到三遍,並根據口味調整水量,以獲得一杯新鮮沖泡的 Boncafé 咖啡。


Each Box contains 5 bags of drip coffee.

每個盒子包含 5 袋滴漏咖啡。
