Bean Ground & Drunk - Espresso Dark Roast Ground Coffee - Australian Organic Fairtrade Coffee (250g)
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Bean Ground & Drunk - Espresso Dark Roast Ground Coffee - Australian Organic Fairtrade Coffee (Expired Date: 05/04/2025)
Bean Ground & Drunk - 特濃深度烘焙咖啡粉 - 澳洲公平貿易有機咖啡 (到期日: 05/04/2025)
The Espresso is a darker roast created in response by fans of the Classic seeking a stronger blend. Expect a delicious dry aroma of earthy moss and smoked nuts. This is a strong, robust blend with a full body. A lively acidity sparkles on the cheek, evenly balancing with earthy notes of malt, dark chocolate and blackberry on the finish.
經由深度烘焙的特濃咖啡,讓經典咖啡愛好者得以尋求更濃烈的口感。 配合堅果的香氣,讓特濃愛好者感受咖啡入口後的那種厚實、濃稠的口感,帶有良好平衡的酸度,均勻地平衡了麥芽、黑朱古力和黑莓的餘香。
Packing Size: 250g
包裝規格 250克